As the week has passed, more and more training sessions have taken place. We have learned and had construction sessions on everything from foundations to roofs, and almost everything in between! We have also had position specific training and the more sessions that I have, the more excited I become! Thus far, I feel pretty comfortable with all of the construction concepts that I have been learning, and for those that I don't understand fully, I am confident that I have the resources to figure it out! 

One aspect of this amazing experience that I have not focussed greatly on yet are the people! The people who I have met and continue to get to know on staff are amazing! There are so many awesome individuals with diverse backgrounds! I have strengthened my friendships with friends from high school, such as Claire. Also, I have met fellow staffers from Milwaukee who I did not know yet, as well as people scattered over the US. I have even had the pleasure to meet staffers from different continents, such as Africa! Everyone has been so down to earth and full of excitement for the summer, just like I am! I look forward to furthering my friendships with these great people as the summer continues.

Now the moment we have all been waiting for....the GREAT REVEAL 2013!! LAst night, a picnic was held at a local park. It was similar to the weekly ASP picnic, with burgers and hot dogs, basketball, frisbee, and lots of fun! But unlike others, this one had a little twist to it, we got to find out our fellow staffers and where we will be for the summer. In traditional ASP fashion, they simply could not just tell us, we had to work to find our staff! We found out our staff by a series of activities, each activity gave us a clue, after the last activity, we had found out two of our three staffers. Their names are Sarah and Lawrencia. The three of us then ran across the park and hid under a sheet, as did all of the other staffs, and waited for our Center Director (CD) to lift up the sheet and reveal their identity! Due to the clues we have had up to this point, we had narrowed our CD down to four options. When the sheet was lifted off of us, Michelle was standing behind us with a huge smile. As we all let out screams of excitement, we realized that this was who we would be spending our summers with! As a staff, we will be stationed in Morgan County, Tennessee in the town of Wartburg! I cannot wait to spend the summer with these three incredible individuals! 

As I become more and more anxious to set out for our center, I truly cannot wait for my summer experience to begin! 

I will let everyone know when I know my center address as well as my mailing address  I hope everyone is doing well and I will keep everyone in my prayers!


Beth Hagen
5/25/2013 07:35:34 am

We Christ Churchers are so proud of you, Ben. My son, Liam, will be going on his first ASP trip this summer and I don't think he has any idea what he is getting into. It will be a lot of work but it sounds like the rewards are worth all the blood, sweat and tears! Have fun as you venture to Tennessee and start your good work.

Prays for you,

Beth Hagen


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