Today was the second day of ASP summer staff training! It was great to wake up to a morning devotion and some delicious biscuits. After the devotion we had a small briefing about the events that would take place durring the day followed by getting ready for our first adventure. I filled my water and packed my backpack for the day. We began by learning how to check the fluids in vehicles to ensure that everything is fully stocked, we did this in our assigned groups for the day. Throughout the day, we traveled to 7 different stations with this team. Two of these stations were obstacle courses set up for us first year staffers to learn how to drive the ASP vehicles, a 15 passenger van and a pickup truck. These large vans are a challenge to maneuver but as the day progressed, it became much easier! And it was even fun! The other 5 stations were stations designed to give us a realistic understanding of situations we may encounter as staffers this summer. At each of these scenarios there was also a lesson that is very important to a successful summer. Some of these lessons were, sketching a roof and exterior house plan, learning how to load and unload materials into a pickup truck, learning to use ratchet straps, as well as several others. At first, all of these things were overwhelming but when I took some time to think about it, they were very easy to learn and remember because they will all be so important this summer! After we completed all the stations we returned to the center for a debrief and an entire staff gathering. Here we heard a word from the president of ASP. Listening to his works is a true inspiration and reassurance to me that I am here for all of the right reasons. One concept he focussed on was that of hope. How we as staff and each one of the 15,000 volunteers this summer, give the people and counties of Appalachia hope. His words were very moving. The evening concluded with a meal, explanation of policy and a review of key documents we will be filing this summer. I felt today was a good precursor to what being a staffer entailed. Upon completion of the day, it just makes me more excited to further my training and gain a greater understanding of the duties of a staff member. I look forward to the days to come!

I hope all of my college counterparts had an easy transition either finishing up exams or moving home for the summer. 

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